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PIR Motion Sensor

To read via your Arduino, you can read this as you would any other analog sensor. It connects to 5v and GND on the Arduino, and then also to one of your analog pins. Use the analogRead command and print it out using Serial.println.

Ping Sensor

To get the code part to work, I downloaded the New Ping library and installed it. I used the NewPingEventTimer example. The "NewPingExample" didn't seem to work. Here's a link to the library:

Installing libraries means that you download the .zip folder, unzip it, and then place it in the "libraries" folder in your Arduino folder. Your Arduino folder is likely in the "Documents" folder under your user name if you are on a Mac. If there is no folder in there called libraries, you should create one. Its where Arduino defaults to saving your sketches.


Code from here does a lot of work and prints out xy and z values.
Used this link to figure out how to connect the accelerometer:

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Page last modified on February 29, 2016, at 11:09 AM