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NPN vs PNP transistors

\\this \\this \\this In class circuit building - review below website and do some example circuits

Go over this website:

- transistor touch switches

 - circuits F, G and H. Shown more clearly down the page 

- World's Simplest Circuit and

- Word's Second Simplest Circuit

- go over resistor color chart from that page with the class

- V = I/R example - have to do at least one. plan it out

- Plant Needs Watering circuit further down the page

Bjorn Shulke page 54 - "Sun Eater", "Solar Engine"

transistor motor/solenoid need diodes (have transistors) circuit drawing - 2n4124 datasheet - TIP120 datasheet - ITP high current loads tutorial -

without diode, can do motor control circuit with TIP120, potentiometer and arduino

need diode for all other transistor controlled circuits, except for ones that don't have coils. - Can control Peltier Junction with transistor - 12v light bulb? Maybe. Might be too much current.

	fritzing circuit I made is in the class folder. that should apply to this as well

- Can try it out… do it as experiment with small transistor, then TIP 120

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Page last modified on January 28, 2014, at 07:51 PM