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Programming the Arduino

Now that we have a basic button and LED circuit set up on our breadboards, the next step is to start programming some interaction. We will start with the same code and use our Arduinos to log data from our custom made-switches.

Code From Last Class

The next move is to learn about timing with the Millis() function. Its a little trickier so we will go over it several times.

Code On Google Drive

_03_01_digital_input_sketch.ino - uses a "FOR" loop to blink an LED a bunch of times
BlinkWithoutDelay - same one as in the Arduino Examples
_03_02_BlinkWithoutDelay_Printlns - prints out values of variables to (hopefully) make BlinkWithoutDelay more intuitive

Use of Millis() is also covered in the Arduino Examples you downloaded as part of the software. In Arduino, go to "File--> Examples-->02.Digital" and start with "BlinkWithoutDelay". Then do the "Button" and "Debounce" examples.


The Rube Goldberg Machine
"Accomplishing by complex means what seemingly could be done simply" Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

OK Go Video - This Too Shall Pass

Syringe Egg Yolk Remover

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Page last modified on February 18, 2014, at 08:14 AM